Thursday 10 February 2011

A pleasant walk....

On Christmas day last year, in the heart of Oxfordshire (sometimes called Oxford) there was a crisp and deep and even blanket of snow, wrapping us up into a snuggly white heaven. Well, of course with that sort of treat, what better than to slip on some wellies, call on some wallies, and go for a walk. And that's exactly what I did.

The British were considered to be notoriously handsome by their enemies even when heavy snow turned the weather cold

Back in February 1945 there were thousands of others who had exactly the same idea as me. It was the coldest winter since records began. Of course the Nazis had burnt all records and so the records only actually went back to the previous winter. However with hindsight, meteorological messiahs have managed to ascertain that it was probably the coldest winter in 50 years. Brrrrrr. The Allies were on the front foot, with the western front fast closing in on the Third Reich (the First and Second Reich had long since been put on their toes) , and the Russians, well they were storming in from the east in desperate search of the German who provided them with inaccurate data on the chances of defeat in their new favourite game, 'roulette'.

The inevitability of a German defeat was starting to draw it's fat lady, however rations were so slender that they had to use up a number of Red Cross parcels to complete her. A systematic process began, led by the SS, to steal British rations and complete her. Thousands of captured allies were being held in eastern Germany and Poland, the theory being that the further away that they were from Britain, the less likely they were to attempt an escape. Many had been tucked away behind the barbed wire since being captured at Dunkirk in 1940, unsure whether they would ever be freed or the Allies would ever arrive.

The Germans steal British POW rations to complete their fat lady

They would sometimes receive letters from home, asking what the German beer was like or questioning whether they were being faithful to their loved one(s). Despite such assumptions from back home, it wasn't actually the largest stag-do to hit Europe before Easyjet opened up routes to Prague. Food was in scarce supply, few were ever allowed out of the camp on working parties, and they had to conjure up their own entertainment once their Playstations batteries had expired.

High Jinks: A British POW attempts to lift a barrel and two comrades with just his front teeth

As the Russians descended upon them, the Germans got themselves into a right kerfuffle. And who can blame them. The Russians are notoriously average lovers as most James Bond movies will testify to. And so the Germans dragged out all the Allied Prisoners of War ("POW") in the middle of the night and started marching them in minus 17 degree temperatures, emaciated, for a short 500 mile trek. Those who slowed were shot. At night they often slept outdoors. If they took their boots off the boots froze and they were forced to go barefoot. If they left their boots on, frostbite was their friend and they lost their feet. Adolf, cheeky damned sod that he'd now become, even urged his camp commanders to make the POWs walk without trousers. High jinks indeed. But rightly this was considered to be sexual harrassment with political correctness being at an all time high during this period.

Many hundreds died in these long walks across Germany. It's never been clear why the Germans marched so many prisoners across the crumbling nation. It was a strain on their resources both in terms of manpower and in rationed food. Perhaps they wanted them as hostages. Perhaps the fanatics of the SS wanted to murder them all. But there is a genuine suggestion that the Germans believed much of their own propaganda, that the Russians would treat the prisoners badly, and that eventually, the allies would join them in fighting the Red Army.

Footnote: The Allies would go on to win World War Two. The snow eventually melted.

Monday 24 January 2011

The good Jews of New York City

Fiero LaGuardia was Mayor of New York, which is in New York for those of you not so acquainted with the subtleties of American geography. Apparently there has been a lot of confusion in the past, and so the locals will always reaffirm where they are from if you ask them politely. Anyway, back to the point. Fiero LaGuardia, which translated means 'Wild Airport', was Mayor of New York during World War 2.

Of course America wasn't actually at war during this time. Damned habitual pacifists that they are. They had to wait their turn until the British had mercilessly teased the Germans for many a year with all sorts of trickery and tomfoolery. The Boche were subject to quick fire games of hide and seek (see Dunkirk) or theft of their favourite fireworks (see Blitz), and of course some outrageous name-calling. Boche itself is a French term, which can infer that someone is pig-headed, an abbreviation of tete de boche, however it came to mean rascal. How the Germans raged when they were subject to losing hide and seek, having their fireworks stolen, and then had it all capped off by being called rascals.

The British team tease the Germans by hiding behind a giant wall as they go on to win another game of Hide and Seek

So anyway, Fiero was Mayor of New York. During his tenure he was given the rather enviable task of providing protection for a group of Nazi dignitaries who were visiting the city. Inexplicably at the time, they were all very keen to avoid the Guggenheim museum. Fortunately it hadn't been thought of yet. So they never saw it. Fiero went about selecting the members of the police force to protect the dignitaries. The policemen's names were David, Aaron, Yusef and Avner. Yes, you've guessed it alright. He was trying to make a point. He wanted people to protect the Nazis who had five letters in their name, just like Adolf. He was sending a very firm message to Hitler. It's five letters or no letters. Unfortunately Adolf misconstrued the message and the Americans had to take firmer action.

Jewish 'cops' were used in New York to protect the Nazis